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Structural Materials Laboratory

(Nano-based Advanced Infrastructural Materials Laboratory)

UNIST 도시환경공학과 건설 구조 재료 연구실

Research Keywords

세구조 분석 연구실 

크리트 재료 연구실

조 재료 연구실

설재료 연구실 

시멘트 기반 고강도 경량 결합재 개발 연구실

환경 건설재료 연구실

너지절감형 건설재료 연구실

술사업화 연구실

로슬래그 연구실

라이애시 연구실

Microstructure of Concrete

Concrete Materials

Structural Materials

Construction Materials

Cementless Structural Binders for Construction Purpose (e.g., CaO-slag, Geopolymer etc.)

Environmental-friendly Construction Materials

Energy-saving Construction Materials

Technology Commercialization 

Ground Granulated Blast-furnace Slag (GGBFS)

Fly Ash​



Nano-AIMS (Nano-based Advanced Infrastructural Materials) is an interdisciplinary laboratory that combines material science and architectural/civil engineering for developing new construction building materials using industrial waste by-products. We purse three major goals as the following:

(1) scientific publication, (2) technology commercialization, and (3) technological aids based on our faith and Jesus's love to international developing countries in need of technologies.

Research Interests


We develop
cement substitutes 

that produce concrete without portland cement.


We run a multidisciplinary laboratory that combines 

construction engineering and materials science.


We study

mechanical properties and durability of construction materials at multiscale.

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