Research Facility

Available (or accessible) Techniques and Instruments
For basic properties of cementitious paste, mortar, and concrete
Compressive Strength Testing (Instron 1500HDX (~ 100 ton), Shimadzu AG-X plus, 50kN (~5 ton))
High Temperature Compressive Strength Testing (Shimadzu, UH-F500kNX, 500kN (~50 ton), 1,000°C)
Split Shear Strength Testing
Elastic Modulus Measurement Testing
Setting Time Measurement (Auto Vicat Testing Instrument)
Mixers (paste, mortar, and concrete) and Constant Temperature and Humidity Chambers
Water Baths
Chloride Penetration Test
Conduction Calorimetery (hydration heat measurement)
Freezing/thawing Testing Machine (동결융해)
Creep Testing Instruments
Aggregate Sizer, Slump Cones etc.
For chemical and microstructureal properties of cementitious paste, mortar, and concrete
Quantitative Powder X-ray Diffraction (XRD) Analysis (Rietveld Analysis, RIR Internal Standard Method) using PANanalytical X'pert Highscore Plus, MAUD, Fit2D softwares etc.
Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) (Cold Emission, SE/BSE/EDS/Elemental Mapping etc) with Buehler Polishing Instrument Set (EcoMet and AutoMet 250, Petrothin (thin sectioning), Isomet 1000, Vibromet 2)
Solid State NMR (Nuclear Magnetic Resonance) for 27Al, 29Si (MAS-NMR)
DTA (Differential Thermal Analysis)
TGA (Thermal Gravimeteric Analysis)
Particle Size Distribution Analysis (laser diffraction)
Infrared Spectroscopy
Conduction Calorimetery
Zeta Potential Measurement
MIP (Mercury Intrusion Porosimetry)
Synchrotron Radiation (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) - UNIST beamline and others
XRF (X-ray Fluorescence)
ICP-OES (Inductively Coupled Plasma - Optical Emission Spectrometry
Fume Hoods
High Temperature Furnace (max 1,700°C) for Chemical Synthesis (e.g., C3S, C2S, ye'elimite etc)
High Magnification Optical Microscope
Portable Globe Box
pH Meter, Magnetic Stirrer, Vacuum Desiccators, Precision Balances, Digital Moisture Content Measurer